1. History: WINCE Point of sale

    This is a screenshot of old project for WinCE mobiles, POS, Mobile Point Of Sale, I called it MPOS, it is a commercial project and I am not owned it anymore after I left company.
    It is built using Lazarus-IDE and Freepascal, but most classes compiled in both Delphi for Windows and Lazarus for WINCE and Windows too.

    Only front page designed in Lazarus, using SQLite database, and many of my opensource library.

    Controls that I used it are on github
    Also icons I opened it public at github too

  2. MiniLib on Git

    MiniLib, http://sourceforge.net/projects/minilib/

    Git now is the version control,  instead of SubVersion, for 2 of reasons.

    1 – I like to work offline, commenting and show log, while I can’t have a permanent internet connection.

    2 – Branching merging, it merge the full history from where to everywhere.

    But I still like the version numbers in SVN it is more useful and it is easy human trace the changes.