A DLL build of SQLite3 for WINCE ARM4
Please rename the dll to sqlite3.dll before use it, It is more safe to use arm4 Instead of arm4i for old version of WinCE.
“Parmaja” means “programming”
A DLL build of SQLite3 for WINCE ARM4
Please rename the dll to sqlite3.dll before use it, It is more safe to use arm4 Instead of arm4i for old version of WinCE.
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Thank you for posting these. I’ve been developing since D5 to D2010, and only yesterday tried FP+Lazerus for WinCE testing. I’m in love. Thank you again!
PS: Can you post compiled win32 dlls also? I can’t seem to find the latest ones.
You can download WIN32 dll from the official site
under “Precompiled Binaries For Windows”.
Hi Zaher,
Your download offerings are WinCE and WinCE 5, but it is unclear to me which is newer? Is the plain WinCE for Win6-6.5 or exactly the opposite?
If you have old devices do not use “arm4i”
WinCE 5 and Above use “arm4i”
I am using “sqlite3.7.2-wince5-arm4i” with WM6.1 WM6.5
WM = “Windows Mobile”
I uploaded new release sqlite3.7.6.3-arm-wince.zip
New release for sqlite3.7.10 uploaded, but i have some warning when compile it test it and have fun.
New version released sqlite in the same directory above.